Zmeny v právnej ochrane dizajnov na medzinárodnej úrovni 2025
Zmeny v právnej ochrane dizajnov na medzinárodnej úrovni 2025 Svetová organizácia duševného vlastníctva (WIPO) predstavila nový medzinárodný rámec na ochranu dizajnov, tzv. Rijádsku dohodu o ochrane dizajnov, ktorú krajiny schválili v novembri 2024. Táto zmluva si kladie za cieľ zjednodušiť, zrýchliť a zlacniť proces ochrany dizajnov, pričom jej implementácia začne až po podpise najmenej 15 […]
Registrácia dizajnu EÚ v roku 2025
Registrácia dizajnu EÚ v roku 2025 Európska únia zavádza od roku 2025 viacero zmien v legislatíve týkajúcej sa ochrany dizajnov. Tieto úpravy, realizované prostredníctvom Nariadenia o dizajnoch EÚ, majú za cieľ zjednodušiť proces registrácie a posilniť práva držiteľov dizajnov. Ak ste výrobcom produktov s unikátnym dizajnom, tieto zmeny môžu zásadne ovplyvniť spôsob, akým chránite svoje […]
News in Design protection in 2024
Novelties in EU design protection from 2024 In 2024, new EU legislation will enter into force aimed at unifying and updating the legal framework for design protection. This change will bring several important novelties for design owners and those interested in their protection. In this article, we will look at the key points of the […]
Understanding Different Types of Intellectual Property
Understanding the Different Types of Intellectual Property Intellectual property (IP) refers to the creations of the mind that have value and are protected by various legal frameworks. These creations can be divided into different categories, each with its unique characteristics and legal protections. In this article, we will explore the main types of intellectual property, […]
Design Protection in the Fashion Industry
Design Protection in the Fashion Industry The fashion industry thrives on creativity, innovation, and unique designs. For startups in the fashion industry, protecting their designs and intellectual property (IP) assets is vital to establishing a competitive edge, building brand value, and maximizing commercial success. In this article, we explore the importance of design protection in […]
Design Licensing: Maximizing Potential
Design Licensing: Maximizing Potential Design licensing and collaboration offer significant opportunities for businesses to leverage their creative assets, expand their reach, and generate additional revenue streams. From licensing agreements that allow others to use designs to collaborations that bring together the expertise of multiple parties, these strategies can be powerful tools for maximizing the potential […]
Design’s Role in Branding
Design’s Role in Branding In the world of business, branding is a crucial element for success. It serves as the visual and emotional representation of a company’s identity, values, and offerings. Among the many components that contribute to effective branding, design stands out as a powerful tool for creating a lasting impact on consumers. From […]
Lacnejšia Registrácia Dizajnov v roku 2024
Registrácia dizajnu Dizajn možno zaregistrovať a získať tak ochranu na národnej, regionálnej alebo medzinárodnej úrovni. Túto možnosť využívajú desiatky tisíc dizajnérov a firiem po celom svete na to, aby ochránili svoje inovácie a duševné vlastníctvo. Registrácia dizajnu je platná toľko rokov, koľko sa rozhodnete ju udržovať v platnosti. Na začiatku je to 5 rokov, pričom […]
Design Protection Strategies for Startups
Design Protection Strategies for Startups Startups in the digital realm, particularly those operating in the gaming industry, online games, app development, virtual reality, and the emerging metaverse, face unique challenges when it comes to protecting their designs. In a highly competitive and rapidly evolving landscape, design protection plays a crucial role in establishing a competitive […]