News in Design protection in 2024

Novelties in EU design protection from 2024

In 2024, new EU legislation will enter into force aimed at unifying and updating the legal framework for design protection. This change will bring several important novelties for design owners and those interested in their protection. In this article, we will look at the key points of the new legislation.


1. Protective symbol with a capital D in a circle

Owners of registered designs will have the option to use a new protective symbol with a capital D in a circle – Ⓓ. This symbol will serve to inform the public that the design is registered and protected by law. Use of the symbol will be voluntary, but it can be a useful tool for distinguishing protected designs from unprotected ones.


2. Change of terminology

The Registered Community Design (RCD) will be renamed to the European Union Design (EUD). This change is intended to simplify the terminology and align it with the terminology used in other areas of intellectual property in the EU.


3. Fee structure changes

The new legislation will reduce the fees for filing an EUD application in some cases. The price for each second to tenth design in a single application will be lower. In addition, the fees for filing an appeal and filing a request for a declaration of invalidity of a design will be reduced. These changes should make design protection more accessible to a wider range of interested parties.


4. New definition of design

The new definition of design will also cover designs in the virtual space, such as user interfaces of software applications, graphical interfaces and others. This change aims to reflect the growing importance of digital products and services.


5. Easier enforcement of invalidity

The new legislation will simplify the process of enforcing the invalidity of a design filed in bad faith. This means that it will be easier to challenge a design that has been registered by an unauthorized person.

There are also many other changes coming to the EU design legislature such as object of protection definition, new filing formalities and so on. However, abovementioned changes are the key changes which we will soon see in effect. 


These novelties in EU design protection should have a positive impact on innovation and economic growth. Simplifying and reducing the cost of the design registration process should lead to more companies and individuals protecting their design creations. This should lead to greater intellectual property protection and support for creativity and innovation.


If you have any questions regarding the design protection, or would like to register your design with us, we will gladly offer you the most convenient and cost efficient way depending on your project needs.

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Súčet vkladov všetkých spoločníkov musí byť aspoň 5000 EUR.

Estimated price includes:

This will be the person to whom we will issue invoice by default and also the person who will be the official trademark owner, once the registration is finished.

We will make categorization for you for free.

You can choose more categories for one brand. More categories means more fees. However, most of the brands use only protection in 2 or 3 of these categories. If you need help with the selection, contact us anytime or write your brand products in the next field.

Video, sound, pattern, colour or other type of trademark.

Trademark consisting of figurative and verbal elements.

Trademark consisting of only words or/and symbols.

Trademark protection in the USA.

Trademark protection in all member states of European Union.

Trademark protection in the territory of Slovak republic.

Design is considered to have individual character if the overall impression it produces on the informed user differs from the overall impression produced on such a user by any design that has been made available to the public before the date of filing of the application for registration. You can contact us for more information.

Your design will be published in the design registry right after formal examination.

Registration may not be possible in this case. Contact us to discuss more options.

The author of the design who will be cited as author in the official registry.

You have written statement from designer that he does not want to be cited as author of the design in official design registry.

Will be displayed in the official registry of designs.

Design protection in all member states of European Union.

Design protection in the territory of Slovak republic.

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