Understanding Different Types of Intellectual Property

Understanding the Different Types of Intellectual Property Intellectual property (IP) refers to the creations of the mind that have value and are protected by various legal frameworks. These creations can be divided into different categories, each with its unique characteristics and legal protections. In this article, we will explore the main types of intellectual property, […]

Beauty Brands: IP Strategies for Cosmetics

IP Protection in Cosmetics

Beauty Brands: IP Strategies for Cosmetics The beauty industry is a flourishing market, where innovation and creativity converge to offer consumers a vast array of cosmetics products. In this competitive landscape, protecting intellectual property (IP) is vital for beauty brands to stand out, build brand identity, and secure their market position. This article delves into […]

IP in Music Industry: Protecting Your Art

IP in music

IP in Music Industry: Protecting Your Art The music industry is a dynamic and creative realm, where artists and musicians pour their hearts into crafting unique and soulful compositions. In this digital age, protecting intellectual property (IP) is vital for musicians to preserve their artistic creations, establish brand identity, and secure their rights in the […]

Basic IP Guide for Crafters

IP Guide for Crafters

Crafts: IP Guide for Crafters The world of crafts is a haven for artistic expression, where artisans and crafters breathe life into unique creations. In this digital age, protecting intellectual property (IP) is vital for artisans and crafters to safeguard their original works, establish brand identity, and preserve their creative legacy. This article serves as […]

Gaming: IP Guide for Game Developers

Gaming: IP Guide for Game Developers In the ever-evolving landscape of the gaming industry, creativity and innovation drive the development of captivating virtual worlds. For game developers, protecting their intellectual property (IP) is essential to safeguard their unique creations, establish brand identity, and secure their market position. This article serves as a basic IP Guide […]

IP in Digital Age – Challenges and Opportunities

Copyright Protection for Software gaming

IP in Digital Age The digital age has revolutionized the way we create, consume, and share information. It has also presented a unique set of challenges and opportunities for intellectual property (IP) rights. As digital technologies continue to evolve, the protection and management of IP face new complexities. This article explores the challenges and opportunities […]

E-Commerce IP Strategies for Online Retailers

IP Strategies for Online Retailers

E-Commerce IP Strategies for Online Retailers The rise of e-commerce has revolutionized the retail industry, providing online retailers with vast opportunities to reach global audiences. In this digital landscape, protecting intellectual property (IP) is crucial for e-commerce businesses to establish a unique brand identity, gain consumer trust, and prevent unauthorized use of their creative works. […]

Software Safeguard: IP for Tech Innovators

IP for Tech

IP for Tech Innovators In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, software innovations have become the backbone of numerous industries. For tech innovators and software developers, safeguarding their intellectual property (IP) is crucial to protect their groundbreaking ideas, gain a competitive edge, and foster innovation. This article will explore the importance of IP protection for tech […]

Different IP rights for same product

Trademark in Toy Industry

In the world of intellectual property (IP) rights, trademarks, designs, and patents serve as essential tools for protecting and commercializing innovative products and brands. While each of these rights offers distinct forms of legal protection, they often intersect and complement each other, allowing creators and businesses to secure comprehensive safeguards for their valuable creations. This […]

Súčet vkladov všetkých spoločníkov musí byť aspoň 5000 EUR.

Informatívna cena zahŕňa:

Toto bude osoba, na ktorú je štandardne vystavená faktúra. Tiež ide o osobu, ktorá bude zapísaná vo verejnom registri ochranných známok ako jej prihlasovateľ a v prípade registrácie ako majiteľ.

Kategorizáciu spravíme za Vás zdarma v rámci ceny služby.

Tu si môžete vybrať viac kategórii. Viac kategórii, v ktorých bude Vaša známka prihlásená, znamená aj vyšší poplatok príslušnému úradu. Väčšina ochranných známok sa "zmestí" do 2 až 3 kategórii. Pokiaľ chcete s výberom poradiť, môžete nás kedykoľvek kontaktovať alebo vpísať produkty, ktoré majú byť známkou chránené v ďalšom textovom poli.

Video, zvuk, vzor, farba alebo iný typ ochrannej známky.

Ochranná známka pozostávajúca z obrazových a slovných prvkov, napríklad logo s textom.

Ochranná známka pozostávajúca iba zo slov alebo bežných symbolov.

Známková ochrana v USA.

Známková ochrana vo všetkých členských štátoch Európskej únie.

Známková ochrana na území Slovenskej republiky.

Dizajn má individuálny charakter v prípade, ak celkový dojem, ktorý má na informovaného užívateľa sa odlišuje od celkového dojmu, ktorý majú na informovaného užívateľa iné dizajny zverejnené pred podaním prihlášky vášho dizajnu. Kontaktujte nás pre viac informácii.

Dizajn bude zverejnený v registri dizajnov ihneď po formálnom prieskume zo strany príslušného úradu.

V tomto prípade nemusí byť registrácia dizajnu už možná. Kontaktujte nás a zistíme ďalšie možnosti postupu.

Pôvodca dizajnu (osoba, ktorá vytvorila dizajn vlastnou tvorivou činnosťou), ktorý bude ako pôvodca uvedený v registri dizajnov.

Doložíte písomné vyhlásenie pôvodcu dizajnu o tom, že nechce byť uvedený ako pôvodca dizajnu v registri dizajnov.

Údaj bude zverejnený v registri dizajnov.

Ochrana dizajnu na úrovni všetkých členských štátov Európskej únie.

Ochrana dizajnu na úrovni Slovenskej republiky.

Kontaktná osoba:

Billing information:


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